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Monday 29 February 2016

Linkbuilding from directories done right

Since the rise of Google linkbuilding is extremely important. The reason? 

Google was the first search engine who used the number of links to a webpage as an indicator of the relevance of that page.

Links are still relevant

Update: March 24, it became in the news that content and links are the number one and two ranking factors (or vice versa). See: Google's top 3 ranking factors.

Nowadays linking is still an important indicator. A study of Backlinko makes clear that ...
Backlinks remain an extremely important Google ranking factor. We found the number of domains linking to a page correlated with rankings more than any other factor.

Another indication that the original Pagerank algorithm is still a huge factor comes from this accidental SEO test from Moz. The concluded that ...

What our data suggests is that, on average, there’s a 15% traffic loss following a 301 redirect; but any individual redirect could be much better, or much worse.

What’s particularly fascinating about this number, 15%, is that it is exactly the amount of PageRank loss Google described in the original PageRank paper.

How to get links the wrong way?

Since it is clear that a lot of links helps your website to become higher in the search results people created "fly-by-night" directories and "Private Blog Networks" to create links by them self. 

It is clear that Google don't like these tactics because they corrupt the search results. So Google declared the war on link schemes.

Content marketing

Therefor a lot of people believe that content marketing is the answer. Write helpful attractive content which help users and people will come, link to you and you will earn a high position in the search results.

That doesn't mean that a link from a directory is useless. If the directory has a page with links that belongs to the same category (which could be considered as 
helpful attractive content) and your link belongs also to this category then it is a perfect fit.

Create helpful links

If your link is the only link in a category then it is either a very detailed category either it is suspicious. 

A single link on a page could be treated by Google as a link scheme which can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results.

The latest is also the case when your link belongs to another category.

So when you add a link to a directory make sure that it is the correct category and that there are other relevant links in that category.

Good luck with linkbuilding,

By the way, almost as important as links to your site are the links from your site. A study from Reboot Online Marketing learned that outgoing links have positive effects. So feel free to link to me ;-)

ZOMDir.com is a dynamic directory and a wiki
Everyone is able to add a link in 10 seconds
To learn more view this Slideshare presentation